
Monday, February 19, 2007

5 Things You Might Not Know

I received this as an email and thought it would make a good post. Here are 5 Things You Might Not Know About Me...

1. I have numerous physical "quirks." Most of them have a tendancy to make me pass out if I don't control them. Needless to say, I control them (although I've been told it's amusing when I don't.) My ears are screwed up. I have frighteningly low blood pressure (thanks, Tai!) that I control with a high-salt diet (yes, many, many doctors have endorsed this.) I have a heart arrhythmia caused by a magnesium deficiency. My knees don't self-lubricate (flax seed oil supplements are great ~ and it is also high in omega-3s so that's good.) And I've got something called "vagal" that isn't the full name and probably isn't spelled correctly but it means I pass out if the air gets too still. Pharmyard is the only other person I've met who has this. A tip ~ if a doctor ever suggests you get a tilt-table test in order to test for this condition, simply say "Oh, I've had that. I already know I have vagal." Trust me.

2. I am painfully shy. Seriously. Walking into a group of people I don't know well causes physical pain. Talking to new people, sending emails, whatever ~ painful. I get over it. I suck it up and do it. And it's still painful. Mind you, once I'm comfortable, you can't shut me up or keep me away. Until then, though...painful.

3. I have never changed a diaper. Never. Not once. When the Lovely Cats fell and broke her foot years ago, I stayed in town until her mother could get there. The agreement was I would do everything but the dishes and changing the Princess Kitten's diaper. Not even for her and a broken foot.

4. I'm not really an animal person. Don't get me wrong ~ I don't dislike animals at all. And Lionel and Daisy are my babies. When Katrina struck, I had no money. I still managed to donate five bucks and I donated it to animal rescue organizations. Yet, if I never have another pet, that will be okay. All those pictures of baby creatures that make most people coo and ahh and say things "oh, it's So Cute!" make me smile, sure. But then I'm done and ready to move on to something else.

5. I'm inherently lazy. Looking at my schedule and my life, you wouldn't think so. But I am. Hm...there's really not that much more to say about that one. It's pretty self-explanatory.

So what about you? What are five things we might not know about you?

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


Tai said...

I have low blood pressure, too (is that what you were refering to?) I had no idea that a high-salt diet could 'remedy' that.
Learn something new everyday!

Dagoth said...

Hi Pobble

So many of those I would have never have guessed from reading your blog...

Steven said...

I've never changed a diaper either and honestly I could go the rest of my life withuot having to. ;)


CrackerLilo said...

I am jealous that you have never changed a diaper!!!

And now I'll understand if you don't coo at the next baby panda picture I post. :-)

dondon009 said...

I've never changed a baby's diaper either, but I've changed plenty of adult diapers.... and NO, not my own dear! As a nursing home social worker, we had to train in all aspects of personal care in order to "take charge" if there was ever a shortage of nursing assistants.... and it happened, on more than one occasion. Just hand me those latex gloves and a mask, dammit!


Tai said...

OH! I also wanted to say that I really liked the comment you left on my blog about the sneaking captured the moment perfectly!
There were stairs in my home the squealed and squeaked and believe me, there was a lot of holding of breath!

nRT said...

that topic really got me to think about 5 things people don't know about me. Its made me think about ME...instead of others.

2 Dollar Productions said...

I always like these hidden things, and I'm with you on the diaper thing, the animal issue & the high salt diet is pretty damn lucky if you ask me.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

My mother was a daycare mother, with as many as 10 kids in our 3-BR ranch, when I was growing up.

I have changed approximately 40,000,000 diapers.

kimber said...

Many diapers have I changed, but the next one, I'll dedicate to you! :)

Aisha T. said...

Like you, I am inherently lazy. The weird thing is that my days are chockful with me running around and doing things--I never really sit down. But, I'm a lazy person. The diaper thing though...I've been changing them since I was about seven. Trust me, you ain't missing much.

I am surprised that you are shy!

Spider Girl said...

I'm with you on the baby animals thing. Cute they may be, but I usually prefer the company of the grown-up versions. Give me a nice old cat over a kitten any day.

Rose said...

Five things about me:
I am a worry wart- I worry about everybody and everything. Even people I don't know.

I am extremely quiet until I get in front of a microphone. Then I become a hostess with the mostess.

I dream books then I write. I never forget the scenes I dream.

I gain weight just by smelling food.

I am very healthy. That is until my muscle in my right eye started acting up. But since I am a hypocondriac, I rushed to the doctor and had an MRI to make sure it was not serious.

Funny though how I am finding that writers for the most part of shy people.