
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


2009. I won't be sorry to see it go, honestly. It started badly and it's ending worse. I lost my Lionel baby, too. And yet...

February 2 my first novel came out
February 18 my third nonfiction came out
February 22 I married the love of my life
April 13 Lithus got a kick-ass job in Mexico
June 1 I made my deadline for my second novel
June 3 I joined him in Mexico
July we became carnies
through September, I lived the life I have always dreamed of
October 3 I had the single best night of my life

The beginning was bad. The ending is worse. But the middle, friends...oh, the middle. And that's what will define 2009 for me.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.

Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21st

Blessed Yule, everyone.

May the light return to those who need it, as well as to the world.

Blessed Be.

~ the Pobble

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Speaking of Giving...

How much do I wish I had written this article?

The NY Times has a gift guide for people of color this year. And, sadly, not surprisingly, people (mostly white people, apparently) are calling it racist. Here are a few excerpts for those of you who don't have time to click (but trust me; it's worth a click)

Culturally, all people are not the same and it is ignorant to believe otherwise. The politically correct belief that everyone is and should be exactly alike - which, in reality, tends to mean that all should share the same interests as the majority - actually serves to strip people from different cultures of the richness of their heritage and limits our society.

Would the criers of "racist" claim that in addition to cultural traits, all hair textures and facial features should be identical? Should they all be that of a Caucasian person? Follow the logic down this path and the proponents of a "colorblind" society start to sound racist.

"But what if the NY Times had a section of gifts by white people for white people?" some ask. I would argue that it already does. That's what its regular gift section is.
By Lola Adesioye for The Grio, 12/14/09

The rest is equally as brilliant. Check it out.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

PSA Time

Every year about this time, I write a post about giving. This year is no different in that here we are, writing and reading my annual PSA about giving. This year is very different in that I am writing it from a perspective to which I am unaccustomed. It doesn't change the post much; it does remind what I want to stress and what isn't quite so important. As always, if you aren't planning on giving, for whatever reason, that's cool. Seriously. If you are going to give, please take some of this into consideration...

1. Christmas is about all kids. Everybody loves to take care of the little ones. Don't forget their older siblings. Not even all agencies address the desires and dreams of teenagers (some don't even deal with tweens, which just makes no sense to me. Digressing, Pobble...) Ask. Find out who and where the agencies are that ensure the older kids have something under the tree, too. Think about giving to them. Don't know where to start? Call the local middle and high schools. They'll know. Ask to speak to the receptionist or the school counselor. It's the people behind the scenes with the information, but ain't that always the truth? ;)

2. People are hurting everywhere this year. No one is exempt. Think you live in a neighborhood that hasn't been hit? Think again. Regardless of the face that is being put on, statistically, someone in your neighborhood, someone you see every week, someone wearing a warm coat and a smile, doesn't know how to make the season special for their kids or family this year. Try to give locally.

3. Every little bit helps. You may be unable to give to the extent that you once did and that you will be able to again right now. Okay. If you can afford to give anything, it's okay to give it. I don't care if it's a dollar. Or the spare change from your car. The agency or organization isn't going to look at your donation and turn it away because it's too little. They will take your spare change and add it to the other donations of spare change and *poof* create a meal or a stocking or a ride to a job interview or...something. With your little ol' dollar in coins.

4. Agencies can't stay in business to help people if they can't pay their electric bills and salaries. So often I hear "I don't give because my whole donation doesn't go directly to the people I want to help." Well get over your damn self and redefine your understanding of "directly to the people." Now, before anyone starts yelling at me, yes, there are indeed agencies whose salaries are too high, whose marketing campaigns cost more than some people make in a year, whose Board of Directors have grand parties twice a year. I'm not talking about giving to them. That's silly. However, your local shelter or human services organization? No one working there is rich. Most people working there have a second income for their family. I know agencies where the people working there are actually financially eligible for the very services they provide. Electricity costs money. Rent and mortgages cost money. Want to ensure your donation goes "directly to the people" then make sure the lights and heat stay on so the people you want to help have a place to go to get help. It really is just as important.

5. Compassion without respect is insulting. I have written about this over and over and over again. It continues to be important to me. There but for the grace of God, my friends. Treat people with the attitude you would want directed your way. If you wouldn't want to be pitied, then don't pity.

But above all, hold onto each other. Love each other. Be good to each other. Take care of each other. Enjoy whatever it is you have this year. Decorate your home, sing carols, take walks hand in hand. Reconnect with each other. Because sometimes, that's the greatest gift you can give the people you love.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Snow Days

Remember when a snow day was the greatest thing imaginable? We were lucky enough to grow up in walking distance of some of our best friends so, inevitably, a snow day included some combination of Crow, L&R, usually Kat, and me all at one of the houses. If sledding was on the agenda, it was L&R's house. If games and a fire in the fireplace were the goals, they'd come to us. My mother would hand over the dining room, with the fireplace and the large table and the access to the kitchen and be on the porch. L&R's mom would be...somewhere...while we hung out outside or in the tv room or around the kitchen table. Both made sure we had warm lunches and then...disappeared. Close enough for shouting but not there with us.

Today is a snow day here at the Cathouse. The Princess Kitty has been out with her best friend (also in walking distance). The squealing and fun of outdoors has turned into the squealing and fun of indoors. Snow was gathered and has been made into snow cream or snow ice cream or whatever name you give it. Princess Kitty's is pink. Best Friend's is green. I have no doubt hot cocoa will appear at some point in the day. And it's only 11:30.

As for Lithus and me? We're down in the basement. I've learned what my mom and L&R's mom were doing now; they were maintaining snow day sanity. Are we close enough for shouting? Of course. But sanity is good, too. The women who helped raise me taught me well. Sometimes, there's no shame in hiding. Let's hear it for snow days. And hiding.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.