
Friday, June 20, 2008


Fabulous dialogue has begun down in the comments section of the previous post. It promises to be a conversation that creates reactions. :) It will also be respectful, even when we disagree.

It will, however, have to wait. We have moved beyond the scope of the original post so I feel this new topic about race and gender issues deserves its own post and attention. However, I am in the middle of (yet another) move and less than a week away from a deadline. (A note to my writer friends: don't try to move during crunch time. Seriously.) Had I realized I was going to start something this interesting with those buttons, I would have held off until I could give the conversation the attention it deserves.

So, Krystal, you are not being ignored or disregarded! Everyone else who wants to comment, you will not be ignored or disregarded. Next week, I'll repost and we can all continue (because I do love this stuff ~ it's the thing I love most about my country, I think, the ability to do this with one another!) Meanwhile, everybody either hold on to any further comments or add them to the section below and know they will be reposted once I'm back up and running. As always, please, stay respectful. Because after all, what started this was the fact that I do believe we are all better than "Liberals have low i.q.s" and "Conservatives are fascists."

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


ZooooM said...

Thanks for this, because all of the comments brought up really good points I wanted to go over. Especially my missing the boat on half of the buttons - and I totally did!

And Krystal was thoughtful enough to put a lot of time into commenting, and I wanted to get back and continue the conversation. But was sucked back into work before I could check the comments again.

GOOD LUCK ON YOUR MOVE! And your deadline.

Krystal said...

Moving...again!! Elch. People are always respectful here. One of the things I like about the conversations here is that there are so many points of view. They make me think a lot.

nRT said...

Moving is one of the hardest things to do. I swore I would never move again 10 years ago, but, now kids are grown...who knows maybe one more time #1 because of gas prices, a move closer to the husbands work would save $ and #2 I would like a house where we could save energy via a wood or pellet stove for our cold winters.
Good luck with your move and deadlines.

Anonymous said...

Britt's dad is getting re-married so he and his fiancee moved into their new house and Britt had to move all her stuff from her dad's house to the new house...her bed is in pieces on the floor (never fear, she's staying at her mom's house currently.) That and with college...I move out quite more than I rather care for >.> Anyways...have fun with the move and be safe!

Anonymous said...

Moving is evil. But, if I lived closer, I'd pop in and help with all the packing and moving nonsense. *sigh*

kimber said...

I hope your move goes smoothly and uneventfully! And may your deadline arrive with very little stress, fuss or hullabaloo -- maybe that's a tall order, but I wish it for you, nonetheless!

2 Dollar Productions said...

Moving is miserable under the best of circumstances & good luck with the deadline as that is a brutal combination.

And I missed the button I read about recently which said something to the effect of If Obama wins will it still be called the White House? Who comes up with these things if utterly beyond me as a little decency doesn't seem like too much to ask.