
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday Poll Question

Here's the thing ~ in my opinion, Sundays suck. I'm not sure why but they tend to be the longest-and-not-in-a-good-way day of the week. As a counter to the Sunday Suckies, Im introducing the Sunday Poll Question. A question for you. Sometimes thought provoking. Sometimes not so much. And I will always give you my answer, too. Who knows how long this will last. Perhaps just today. Perhaps the life of the blog. It depends on my discipline and your willingness to answer. So, if this is your first time (welcome!), if you lurk but don't comment or if you are a regular contributor here, chime in!

Let's play...

Question: You find the lamp and the genie. Only this isn't your average everyday genie. This is your unusual genie. This is the fuck-that-three-wishes-crap genie. You can have as many wishes as you want. Nothing will backfire. No one will have to pay for your wishes. It really is all good without a morality tale at the end of it. Under one condition ~ your first wish must be entirely selfish. It cannot be for your family, the world, the people you love. Only you may benefit directly from it. And only if your wish is selfish enough do you then get to make whatever wishes for whatever people or situations you choose. What is your wish?

Pobble Answer: An apartment at the Ritz and the book contracts to guarantee I can live there comfortably. Ever since I was a child and read Eloise for the first time, I have wanted to live in a hotel. Once I was a little older and discovered the Ritz Carlton, I have wanted to live in that particular hotel. The thought of having a standing reservation for tea every Wednesday at 4 o'clock, ordering up room service, having the staff know me...not to mention never needing to worry about if I have enough room for everyone to spend the night. At the same time, I have to write. Have to. So what better way to make a good enough living to ensure I can live in my Ritz apartment than to know I've got contracts.

Your turn...

Those are Pobble Thoughts ~ and yours too if you want to play. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


Graziella said...

I wish to have an unlimited free pass to fly where ever I want in the world, first class, when ever I want for the rest of my life. I want to travel and see the world and the price of air fair is one of the most limiting factors. I hope that's selfish enough!

ZooooM said...

I want to take pictures anywhere, at any time, even in dangerous places without the threat of being arrested, risking my life or having to explain that I'm just retarded like that and I have no nefarious intentions.

Or I'll settle for being able to eat Twix bars, as many as I want without any negative effects.

Anonymous said...

I wish to have an unlimited income from some unnamed source so that I can never, ever, ever again have to worry about making a car payment or a mortgage payment or any payment. I want to have medical care that costs me nothing and travel anywhere I feel like going anytime I want, at a moments notice. And I want to stay gone as long as I want with no worries.

Jaded said...

I want a fabulous suite at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square, so I can easily walk to work as a huge, Tony Award winning Broadway Diva! And I want a limo with a driver to shuttle me back and forth to my gigantic mansion in Connecticut on my days off.

christine mtm said...

wow this is fun.

a free spa-day once a week for me and whoever else i want to bring along... free of charge, free of guilt, free of children, free of work... for the rest of my life.

Anonymous said...

well, this took me some time but I think I finally have a wish. I want to be able to live on the northeastern coast in a huge house and not have to work October through March so I can enjoy the fall and winter weather that I love. I just hate driving in it when I have to. This wish would probably have to come with a job that afforded me this luxury non-work for 6 months and would have to be one that I could look myself in the mirror again afterwards.

Krystal said...

Well, first I thought I'd wish for the house to sell so my husband could be back with me. But then he'd also benefit from that as would the kids.

So then I thought, "Perky sized D/DD boobs, amazing legs, flat stomach, only ONE set of hips." But then my husband would benefit from that as well.

So I'm wishing for a horse. A black and white painted horse that just LOVES having me ride. And of coures I'll need the fence repaired in the pasture as well. That's what I'd wish for.

OH! And a brand new fresh off the lot black Mega Cab fully loaded pick up truck that can NEVER crash, get scratch or wear out, runs on air, and LAUGHS at any attempt to catch her on radar. FLY LIKE THE WIND!!

That's two totally selfish things.

NOW can I wish for world peace? BAHAHAHAHA!

Can I have a black cowboy hat and new boots too? There. I'm complete. Horse, pickup, black boots and hat.

dondon009 said...

Land,lots of land..... where I would of have freedom of being surrounded by my beloved animals..... send me your injured, your abandoned.....

and of course, the money to sustain this glorious dream and maybe a Cadillac Escalade in the garage (it's a dream, I can be a little bit pretentious)!


Rose said...

I want a mansion that I will never have to clean with 15 full baths, a maid on every floor, someone to carry stuff to and fro for me, a cook, and an indoor swimming pool, exercise room and a beauty parlor on site to get my hair beautified without leaving the confines of my home then when I leave I want to be chauffered driven everywhere.

CrackerLilo said...

I can say it in four words: New. York. Times. Bestseller.

Great idea, and sorry I came in late!

Tai said...

So MUCH to choose from!!
Money tops the list, but all the money in the world can't buy happiness, can it? about only the very best of all good things happening to you on a daily basis?
Or the ability to indulge in any whim without fear of cost, danger, negative effects (like Zooooom and the twix!)
Good question BP!

Anonymous said...

Health, wealth, and the time to enjoy them both in any way I wish. To my understanding, from an Itilian wedding toast!

nRT said...

I want my back, Back. That is worth millions to me.

2 Dollar Productions said...

I am right with you on the Sunday thing, and a little imaginative musings seem like a good cure.

So, I would go with the wish that I could pull as much money as I wanted out of any pocket in any item of clothing I was wearing at any given time.

The possibilities are endless.

kimber said...

Anything? Are you sure?

Alright then... I want a huge silver rhinocerous with white wings named Gavin, whom I could ride anywhere in the world, and he would be a great philosopher, so that we could have long, rambling conversations on a variety of topics, never dull or boring, as we soar through the endless sky. And he would smell like lavender. And have a singing voice like an early David Bowie. And poop rose petals.

Nemeria said...

I wish for the ability to be as good a caretaker to myself as I am to everyone else, and to never feel guilt for putting myself first.

Boring, I know, but you know me well enough to know what a big one this is.

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Oooooo, I forgot to come back and play this until now. I want to be juuuuuust financially secure enough that I don't have to work, and my bills are paid...and to have enough cash to pursue daily living interests. I'm not talking about jet-setting around the world. I want to see if I'd really-really-really pursue those things that I bitch about not having the time for now. Painting. Exercising. Picking up the sticks in my yard.

Dagoth said...

Hi Pobble

I want one woman to love me for who I am...