
Thursday, January 03, 2008

Initial Thoughts on 2008

I rarely make new year's resolutions. They seem like a good way to set ourselves up to fail. When I do make them, they tend to be along the lines of "light more candles" and "take more baths." They are about increasing happiness, not self-improvement. With that in mind, here are a few resolutions I would make for my fellow bloggers ~ with the sole intention of increasing happiness.

The Lovely Cats ~ My luggage. Because there's only one thing that makes *me* happier than that.
Nemeria ~ Boot-wearing, ass-kicking, name-taking warm fuzzies with big ol' honkin' spotlights on their butts
Graziella ~ The perfect geocache. With the perfect Brit.
$$ Productions ~ That contract you are thisclose to and deserve so much.
Aisha T ~ Time. As much as you want for whatever you want.
Butterflyys ~ Mexico at the end of this year, too!
Cracker Lilo ~ The perfect wave with the perfect woman waiting on the beach for when you're done.
D-Man ~ Really great shoes and a say-something hat.
Dagoth ~ A chess mate ~ and a check mate.
Daisy ~ A few less crazies in the store.
Don ~ A new computer so you can blog again. Oh, wait. That's about increasing *my* happiness, not yours. that case, appletinis at the Ritz.
GOML! ~ Someone else to pull the sled while you hang out with Sugar and Pickle. (I thought about wishing the respect of your kids ~ but I know you have it already.)
Jaded ~ An opportunity to Diva that's about nothing but fun
Krystal ~ Bear.
Michael ~ Someone else to carry the banner every now and then.
Nancy ~ HEALTH! For obvious reasons.
Rose ~ Signing the next great author. (Have you met $$...?) *grin*
my favorite trinity: SpiderGirl, Tai and Wolfgrrrl ~ three round trip tickets anywhere. Hell, let's make it 4; take Pol. She may not blog but honestly, the trip wouldn't be the same without her and I realize that.
GNGirl ~ A week at the beach, guilt-free, to do nothing but drink frosty drinks, love your fella and hug on your kid. (Did you catch that, Lori? Guilt-Free, dammit!)
Zoom ~ A purple elephant. Why? Because it's the only thing I can think of that is as delightfully random and as unusual as you are.

And for a couple of people who aren't linked over there...

Casdok ~ A day where the whole world sees C the same way you do
Speaker for the Bread ~ Coffee at Denny's
Appsrus ~ Access to every written word you've ever wanted to read and the time to do so
J who is Fabulousness ~ An early warning system in case there's a next time

Finally, for all of you, I wish you personal peace. Contentment but not complacency. Self-respect, self-worth and, where applicable, self-forgiveness. Permission to be whomever you are to your glorious utmost. Because you are, every one of you, glorious. And that my friends is my final 2008 wish: that you get to see yourselves as I see you.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee ~ and my love.


Tai said...

OMGosh Pobble, what a wonderful wish! And to remember to include Pol, now THAT'S fabulous.
Thank you thank you thank you!

And for you? Thigh high boots, a politician you can vote for and that special kind of peace you get when you know your world is beautiful and you wouldn't change it for anything.

Anonymous said...


That's all I got.



BostonPobble said...

Tai ~ If someone were to give me something like that for the Lovely Cats and me, I would hope they would remember the Divine M. I understand. And thank you ~ I'll take All Three of those things with gratitude and a smile!

Traci ~ I think my response is "you're welcome." ;)

Graziella said...

Thanks for the New Year's wishes and the tag. Haven't had much internet access till this evening, so I'll do the tag soon as I can think about it.


Yay for perfect geocaches! And especially yay for Brit!!!! ;) love you.

Jaded said...

Aww thanks, Pobble. I think we could ALL use a fun reason to go Diva, don't you think? So, I wish it right back for you.

BostonPobble said...

Graziella ~ Love you, too.

Jaded ~ Ooooo! I do love me a chance to Diva. :)

CrackerLilo said...

Aw, thank you! That's exactly what I want! :-)

I've always said resolutions are more fun to make for others than oneself!

May you get absolutely everything you want.


kimber said...

You are a goddess when it comes to the art of giving gifts! Thank you! I love the fact that you called us a trinity, and recognized that it happens to be a trinity of four. :)

For you, dear Pobble, I wish a year of delights, adventures, and love!

Anonymous said...

I thought about you and just wanted to say, I wish you a happy holiday now and forever.

BostonPobble said...

CrackerLilo ~ Glad to know I hit the nail on the head. {{{hug}}}

Wolfgrrrl ~ Aw shucks, thanks. And of course I would include Pol! See my response to Tai. ;)

DREAMER! I miss you. Happy Everything, Sweetheart!

Dave said...

First time here. I enjoyed your posts. Will be back.

BostonPobble said...

Dave ~ Welcome to Pobble Thoughts! May this be the beginning of a wonderful year for you.

ZooooM said...

HI! And thank you. I'll take my purple elephant with glee!!I'd give you a button to push so that when things got bad - the button would let you know you will always make it out to the other side and things will be wonderful. That probably makes no sense. But in my head it's a good thing.

nRT said...

BP, thanks for the well wishes and thinking of me.
for the wonderful BP i wish years full of happiness and many more books...
Good Health to you

Rose said...

Thanks for putting out so much positive energy into the universe. I love your resolution for me. May it happen! To you I wish you nothing but success in both your personal life and as a writer.

BostonPobble said...

Zooom ~ Actually, the button makes perfect sense and I thank you for the thought! Luckily, I have one already. However, it truly *is* the thought that counts here.

Nancy ~ And thank you, as well!

Rose ~ Every little bit of positive energy helps, I truly believe this. Here's hoping we both do well in 2008, in our professional and as people.

sttropezbutler said...

Cheers my dear!

BostonPobble said...

Butler ~ Cheers back to you! Sorry I didn't "give" you anything; I thought you were gone (although you notice I haven't unlinked you just in case!) Since you're here, I will add you now and wish you a glorious beach house with a magnificent view...and a pool boy. ;)

D-Man said...

Ahhhhh! (I'm ALWAYS late to the party Dear, so please forgive me...) You got me with the shoes (blush), but anyone that quotes from To Wong Foo is my Hero. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX