
Monday, November 14, 2005

Unusually Random Pobble Thoughts

1. I met the Muppet's parents. Mind you, we have been in contact via email and phone calls for the past couple years. That's what makes finally meeting them even cooler. We all agreed we were all as fabulous and as wonderful as we had expected.

2. I have a head cold. It's getting better but the timing on it sucked ass. I have a deadline with work; the packers come on Thursday; the movers come on Friday. Now was NOT a good week to have a head cold.

3. I have a new favorite doo-hicky. So something good came out of the head cold. It's a portable, mini, just this side of disposable vaporizer. Put a pre-vicks'ed-up pad in this thing and turn it on. It has moved from my bedroom to my office to my bedroom. Buy one of these. Even if you're not sick now. Winter is coming. You'll thank me.

4. I love my new landlord. To the point that I think I might actually have a friend in Worcester. Time will tell. Worst case though is I have the coolest landlord on the planet. And that is not a bad worst case scenario.

5. I have decided to pack all of my sex toys and my ritual tools myself and carry them in the Pobble Mobile rather than have them packed and moved by the packers. These are not items I particularly want other people handling. It does however make for an interesting pile of things in my living room awaiting boxes.

6. I remember, at one point last year, I was uber-busy at work; things with the divorce were going badly; and I was generally feeling sluggy. So, Angry Girlfriend (this is actually a compliment, trust me) offered to have her cleaning lady come over and do a major cleaning of the apartment so that I would at least have one less thing to worry about. I was also doing a nightly ritual at the time so my tools and altar were just out (normally, I store them; my place isn't big enough for a standing altar.) When I got home from work, Angry Girlfriend was waiting for me and started to laugh because her cleaning lady had swept and mopped around my altar but hadn't touched it. We laughed even harder when I went into the bedroom and discovered my sex toys lined up in their drawer organized by type and color. Sex toys she could handle. Ritual altar, no way.

7. Angry Girlfriend and Airman Elmo are finally getting married. I'm their maid-of-honor. And it is an honor. I've told her I will kill her if she puts us in hoop skirts and parasols. I mean, do you have any idea how many weddings I have been in down south and I've always managed to avoid hoop skirts. Luckily, she had impeccable taste in clothing (and men and friends...) so I'm not really worried. Unless she does it to spite me. Which is not beneath her.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


dondon009 said...

Doo-hickeys and sex toys... what an interesting wake up read today!

Actually I purchased a doo-hickey two weeks ago. Daisy and I both had the sniffles and it certainly worked wonders. LOVE IT!

Unfortunately, I can't say the same about sex toys; but my "adopted" Florida mom passed away two years ago and her attorney asked me (as per her will) to remove the contents of her home. Neatly arranged in the top drawer of her dresser was a wide assortment of sex toys! I immediately removed them and into the dumpster they went. I did not want the attorney or his staff see them.... OH and by the way, she was 94 years old! I loved her even more after finding those.

I'm glad to read that you're somewhat pleased with the upcoming move and look forward to reading how it all worked out!

Life seems to be getting better.....


christine mtm said...


we should all be so lucky!

love you pobble (and dondon).

CrackerLilo said...

I loved reading every word of this post, from the meeting of the parents going well to Angry Girlfriend to the ritual equipment and sex toys.

Dondon, that's so awesome about your "adopted" mom!!! :)

Rose said...

It's amazing that I was about to comment on doo-hickys and I see thst donbon009 did already. The word just stood out because my granny used to use it. Get better soon.

Dreamer said...

*can't help but giggle*

I can only imagine what your living room looks like...

Anyways, damnit, don't move till December. I don't know when my letter will reach you and I don't want it getting into the hands of someone else than my beloved Aunt Mame.