
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Oooooo! Another one!

This has been a very good week for me, both in reality and in cyberspace. Check it out:

Courtesy of Cracker Lilo

Needless to say, I'm honored. Cracker Lilo was one of the first blogs I ever read that was written by someone I didn't know. She had actually tagged (back when they were still called tags and not memes) the first blogger I ever read that I didn't know. I left him a note saying I liked the tag and she showed up in my inbox. I've loved her ever since.

So here's what I do now:
* put this on my blog (working on that one)
* nominate seven other blogs (with thanks to whomever created this originally for a number I can work with!)
* let them know they've been nominated (the easiest part!)

Part of me simply wants to say "Look over there at my links. They are all brilliant. Pick one, any one. You won't be disappointed." So know that's the truth of the matter. However, I will play along and introduce you to some unlinked bloggers at the same time...

Lrns over at Acknowledge, Move On A while ago, there was a "thinking blogger" award going around. Had I been reading Lrns at the time, I would've nominated him.

Denny over at The Chronicle If this doesn't count as brilliant then I'm not really sure what the word actually means.

Gabi at Ick Feh Fun, irreverent and thoughtful. Only she likes NY better than MA. Hey, no one can be perfect, right?

GOML! at Get Off My Lawn! I knew I'd find a way to nominate him for something. 'Cause he's just way cool. And yes, brilliant.

Mike C. at
Thoughts on Spirituality, Liturgy and Religion His gentle faith requires more of himself than of others. His thoughts, struggles and beliefs come from a place of integrity. Those are nice lessons ~ even for a Pagan.

StevieD at
Real Euphoria He's a new read but I am consistently impressed. (Note ~ this is not a G or PG rated blog. There is occasional full-frontal nudity. It is beautiful and tasteful. I don't imagine this will shock or offend any of my regular readers but if you're stumbling here for the first you know.)

And finally Vanyel over at
My Life in the YYZ You will never wonder how he feels about a topic. Ever.

So there you have it. Seven brilliant blogs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I.

Those are Pobble Thoughts ~ with thanks to Cracker Lilo and with a little help from seven friends. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.

Ps ~ I thought I had figured out the linking within a post. And I had...until about halfway through. *sigh* Pobble: 1/2 Computer: many. Still, I'm leaving the links up since so many of these are unlinked. My apologies for the weirdness that goes on in the body of the post. Boo on formatting.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Boston Pobble. I really appreciate the good words. A friend of mine with whom I used to work some years back is a devoted Wiccan, but also very much involved with Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and the Episcopal church. We're all complicated beings in our own unique way, I think.

BostonPobble said...

MikeC ~ You are more than welcome. And yes, we are indeed complicated and complex beings. TTG for it. :)