
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Scary is in the Eye of the Beholder

Many, many adjectives have been used to describe me. Some good, some not so good. Some (and these tend to be my favorites) that were meant to be not so good but that I took as compliments (bitch and arrogant come to mind without even thinking hard.) Recently though, the word "scary" has been coming up. Now, this is going to create its own category, I can already tell. The category of Adjectives That Should Be Insulting But Aren't Somehow and Really Aren't Meant To Be Anyway So Screw It And Enjoy. I find it amusing as hell. Most of you have seen the one picture of me that I have posted and, although you can't see my face clearly, you can tell that I'm just kinda round and cute. I'm wearing men's pajamas for heaven's sake. And trust me ~ I'm even cuter in person. Scary would not have been the first word, or even in the first ten words, I would have used to describe myself. Bad-ass, yes. Scary, not so much. Apparently, I would have been mistaken. The sound you are now hearing is my evil laugh...

It started one of those nights I nearly had a date with Drama. One of the people in the group I was hanging with is sweet but Innocent. At one point, I said "I scare T so badly." And he came back with "Yeah. You really do. But I like it." A very innocent, innocuous exchange.

But it came up again when discussing my fire tattoo with a friend. She said "Oooo ~ that's a little scary. But that's okay. You're a little scary." And I thought nothing of it. Then I was talking to yet someone else about a place I'm considering taking my Dear One while he's in town and I said "But it's a kinda scary neighborhood" meaning I wasn't sure I wanted to be there after dark. The other person's response? "Yeah, it is. But you're scarier." Wait. I'm scarier than an entire neighborhood known for its crime rates???? Dude... Then there is yet another conversation with still a fourth unrelated person in which I mentioned an attraction to a mutual friend. Her response? "You'll scare him to death if you tell him. But that's okay because I know he likes being scared by you."


Skip forward a few days. I'm instant messaging and noodling on my computer because I have no idea what Time Value of Money means and therefore cannot write a sentence on it. So, instead of researching, I'm noodling and complaining to a friend. The noodling takes the form of those stupid quizzilla tests that show up on our blogs or posts every so often that I recognize are stupid but am totally addicted to anyway ~ and these things are scarily (we have a theme here so...) accurate, sometimes. First, I check and see What Song You Should Strip To. Turns out it's Closer by Nine Inch Nails (which is one of those scarily accurate results. If you know the song, you understand. If you don't, you can find the lyrics somewhere else. This is my first and hopefully last official edit because of Dreamer.) Why should it be Closer? Because When you dance it's a little scary ~ and a lot hot.

This is finally getting out of hand. Luckily, quizzilla has a solution. A test to find out How Scary You Are. I, of course, take it. The answer? You Are Scary. You are so scary, you even sometimes scare scary people. When I share this result with the One In VA (with whom I am instant messaging) she laughs and says "yes, but Pobble we all knew that already."

Uncle! I give in. I am, apparently, scary. Who knew? Besides the folks who write the quizzilla tests...And the guys I scare (but who like it)...And all my friends... Okay, so it would seem I am the only one who was unaware that I am scary. Maybe knowing it will make me less scary... Or not. >:)

Those are scary Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


Jaded said...

Eccentric, yes!! Wonderfully eccentric!! But scary? Nope, sorry. I just don't see it.

But then, I'm not easily intimidated or scared, so, maybe I'm missing something. (although I don't think so)

Love you!!!

Tai said...

Damn, can I EVER relate!

Salsa said...

Lol I think its funny the words some people use to discribe us. I get Mighty, I am 5'1" but I wonder if i was 5'7" would think still think I'm mighty?

kimber said...

Perhaps you're so darn cute, it's scary?

Graziella said...

I don't think you're scary.

Interesting, yes, in every possible way, but scary?

CrackerLilo said...

I'd say something, but I'm too scared. :-D

Wow. I don't really get it, either.

sttropezbutler said...

Scary is the new fabulous.


ZooooM said...

Well, when I've seen something scary, I usually have to spend that night with a light on somewhere in the room. So far, after reading you for a teeny little while, I'm still sleeping with the lights off. Save that one night I thought the antichrist turned the light back on and off again.... but still.

Scary, I think I have to agree with sttropezbutler.

Nemeria said...

You're not scary! You're FIERCE!

dondon009 said...

I would have to agree with Jaded on this one.... wonderfully eccentric!

But on the other hand, after reading this post I went outside for a cigarette (I don't smoke inside the house), and I lit the filter tip of the cigarette!


Krystal said...

I wanna know where to take the "What Song Shound You Strip To" quiz is at.