1. I have a loveseat in my kitchen. The last thing my most recent ex did for me was break my futon. Only he didn't tell me he broke the futon so I didn't realize it until a few months ago when the Muppet and Peaches spent the night ~ and literally rolled out of bed. So, I ordered a loveseat. This one, only in crushed red velvet.
The place I bought it custom makes them so it has taken this long to get it. Last Monday, they called and told me they would be delivering on Tuesday. Oooops. I didn't have time to get the futon out of the spare room. Now, I have a broken futon in my guest room and a loveseat in my kitchen. This will be remedied by the end of the week but for now, Lionel and Daisy are more than a little confused.2. A couple people have asked about the post where I had the knee-jerk reaction about JMB. If you missed it and need further clarification, it can be found here:JMB Explanation3. I'm working out again. What makes this blog-worthy is it also means I am eating again. :) My doctor told me to cut back on the formal workouts, focusing on simply being active in life, until I started eating again. Guess what??? :):):):) My body has that wonderful, achy, well-used feeling that I love so much and miss when I can't work out.
4. I went on a date last week. A real, official, meet-the-guy-for-dinner date. It was very nice. We met in Boston for tapas. No butterflies ~ but a really nice guy. Got caught several blocks from the Pobble Mobile in a major thunderstorm so I was a drowned rat (in a white tank top ~ ooops) by the time I got under cover. Still, that just added to the fun. And we like dating, right? Right.
5. I'm heading to California next month. The latest book is kicking my ass and I need some face to face time with my collaborator. I'll spend a week in Tahoe with my mother, her husband, and my biological sister and her family before heading down to L.A. for five days to visit one of my oldest, dearest friends, blow off steam and have a bit of a vacation before heading back east and getting back to work. While in Tahoe, the local bookstore wants me to come in a sign a bunch of the books; the library wants me to come in a do...something; and the advanced English high school teacher wants me to come talk with her summer school students. This just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. 6. And speaking of curiouser, Butterfly Boy has offered me a day on his beach while I am in L.A. We're going to meet. It will be nice to meet my friend. And yes, we are friends and I am well aware that we are just friends. I'll keep you posted ~ on all of it. 7. In previous posts, I have mulled over the difference between a female friend and a Girlfriend. Female friends are wonderful, don't get me wrong. But then there are your Girlfriends. I still can't explain what takes a woman from one to the other. I'm not even 100% sure what the difference is ~ or at least know I can't verbalize it. You either understand it instinctively or you don't. I do know that BegoniaGraziella has made that transition. Over the past several months, we have gone from nodding to each other and passing pleasantries, to hanging out some, to definitely being friends, to being Girlfriends. Considering I moved to Worcester with the expectation of keeping my head down, getting my work done, and traveling into Boston (or Philly or Connecticut or wherever) in order to hang with my friends, this is a delightful surprise. I'm a lucky, lucky woman.
Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.