
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hand Over the Brownies and No One Will Get Hurt

I have PMS. Boy howdy, do I. Have. PMS. This means I am fat, ugly, unlovable and totally friendless. This is okay though because it also means I am incapable of loving anyone or anything, pissed at the world, and don't want any friends. It all works out nicely. (And please ~ don't try to counter this right now. Today it will just piss me off; tomorrow it will be irrelevant.)

The Lovely Cats, lucky woman that she is, is coming to visit today. You envy her, don't you? I knew you did.

Here are a handful of things that have pissed me off in the last 12 hours or so:

~ saying one thing and doing another. Don't tell me everything is fine and then change your behavior completely. That means everything is not fine. Grow a pair and tell me. Asshole.

~ negligent parents. I am backing out of my driveway. You are watching me do so. Get your child out of the fucking road.

~ blaming me. Don't whine to me that we haven't seen each other recently when you haven't initiated contact with me in months.

~ poor manners. I could give a shit which fork you use. But how about treating other people with a modicum of respect. She is your server, not your servant. And the occasional "please" or "thank you" won't cause your tongue to jump out of your mouth.

~ dating. God, I hate dating. What's wrong with emotional constipation? What's wrong with having intimacy issues? Who the fuck needs growth anyway? This self-awareness crap is really over-rated.

And on that note, I'm going to go crawl in a hole and growl at people as they pass by.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


Anonymous said...

Try this.

Tai said...

Room in that hole for two?
I'm movin' in.

(please AND thank you!)

2 Dollar Productions said...

It sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to be in Boston right now, but you're definitely right about negligent parents who look at you like the anti-christ when its their kids who are running around like little animals.

And the previous post about unearned arrogance was excellent.

Nemeria said...

Okay - maybe this will make you feel better. I read Get Fuzzy this morning and Bucky's statement totally made me think of you (but of course with you, it IS entirely true and not the least delusional!):

"You cannot deny this gorgeousness. You can only hope to handle it."

Rose said...

You might be pissed but you made me smile. How about that? Have a good weekend and try not to hurt nobody....

CrackerLilo said...

Spectator "parents" like that piss me off.

And I remember the words of Dave Barry: "A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person."

CrackerLilo said...

Aaaaaaand--we're on almost the same cycle, it looks like!!!

Krystal said...

I hate parents that let their toddlers walk through parking lots. They're funcking two feet the hell am I suppose to see them???