It was inevitable. I've been tagged by DonDon. Since I am one of those people who loves being tagged, I have accepted this assignment giddily. I know, I'm a goob. :)
So here are the rules of the tag (as delivered, verbatim, from Himself):
* Post a similar post like this one and add a link back to the person who tagged you.
* List 5 reasons why you blog about the things you blog on your blog.
* Choose your 5 tag ‘victims’ and tag them nicely, just like I did :)
* Write a comment on their blog letting them know that you tagged them. VoilĂ ! Or, as less literate people will say, "Viola!" (Will they?…)
1. I blog as a journal. It is my little place to vent, joke, rant, think...Whatever. It started as a way to come to grips with my bio-family and let the people who have become my family know what they meant to me and why. It has been enormously successful in this regard, even as my relationship with my bio-family has improved.
2. I blog because it gives me a place to be everything I am. In person, I'm an introvert. I don't always make the observations, the jokes, the statements that are running through my head. Here, I do so. I am a sociologist, a comedienne, neurotic, sane, judgemental, understanding, all of it and more, outside of my own head.
3. I blog because I have to write. That's what I am. I'm a writer. It's what I do. I write. I have to write the way other people have to breathe. And so I write.
4. I blog because I have learned I am a comment whore. I adore getting comments. 'Nuff said.
5. I blog when I am inspired or intrigued (or tagged) by my fellow bloggers. These people are amazing, wonderful, thoughtful, funny, thought-provoking and so much more. How can I not be inspired to write on something they have written?
And now we come to the tough spot. I recognize that not everyone (very few people, actually) enjoy being tagged the way I do. SO! I am going to tag however there is no pressure and if I haven't tagged you but you want to write on this, PLEASE feel free to do so and claim a tag from the Boston Pobble!
* Rose
* Aisha T
* GNGirl
* Zoom
* Dagoth (from whom I haven't heard a lot recently; you okay out there, Dagoth?????)
Meanwhile, in case I have a reader who doesn't know the ineffable DonDon009, check him out here:
Don Don
Those are Pobble Thoughts, with a wee nudge from Don. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.