
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Word of the Day

The word of the day is Evacuate.

e·vac·u·ate [i-vak-yoo-eyt] to remove (persons or things) from a place, as a dangerous place or disaster area, for reasons of safety or protection; to leave a place because of threat

Can you say evacuate? I knew you could!

So when someone tells you to evacuate, you will do it, right? I knew you would.

Lithus is okay. And so is the rancher who wouldn't evacuate. And so are his horses. But the rancher and the horses are okay because Lithus spent two hours risking not being okay himself in order to ensure that the rancher and his horses were okay. (When the rancher wouldn't even cut the horses free, Lithus buzzed them until they broke the fence and ran ~ only minutes before the flames engulfed the field where they were penned. By the rancher who wouldn't evacuate. Because "I couldn't be up there and watch them burn to death, Pobble, and it was coming for them." And yes, they all outran the fire, ttg and Lithus.)

So why do we evacuate? Because it's not just about you or your sorry ass or your belongings. It's about the people who are willing to put their lives on the line trying to protect you, your sorry ass and your belongings, too.

So, the word of the day: evacuate.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


D-Man said...

Wow, I truly amazed by people who selflessly put themselves in harm's way to do "what's right." Thank you, Lithus.

Unfortunately, stupid people (like the rancher) often take out innocent beings (like the horses) with them.

dondon009 said...

Living in Florida, I am more than aware of the word "evacuate".

Those who refuse to evacuate should be prosecuted; if not for their stupidity, then for the dangers they are putting the less vulnerable and thier eventual rescuers lives at risk.

Lithus has chosen a very dangerous occupation. Let us not place his life in danger by our own ignorance and stupidity.


BostonPobble said...

D-Man ~ Yeah, my man's a stud. :) I'll pass along your thanks.

Don ~ That's my thing. It isn't enough that he is risking his well-being in the first place? Some dumbass rancher has to make it *more* dangerous? grrr...

christine mtm said...

thank GOD he's ok. and bless his heart for saving those horses.

kimber said...

I can not BELIEVE people who ignore evacuation warnings... do they think the warnings have been made for no good reason? Thank goodness Lithus and the horses are all safe.

nRT said...

PB,,,why do people do such stupid things? I agree with Don, they should be prosecuted for putting others in harms way. They should be required to pay the people who were brave enough to put their lives on the line for their selfish decisons.
Glad to hear your man is OK and a kind, compassionate HERO. It must still make you mad to think some dumb ass decision could of harmed your friend.

PS: quick question. my kids just got a copy of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. my daughter said "I don't think "Deathly" is a word".
I am asking the pro; is Deathly a word? thanks

BostonPobble said...

Lovely Cats ~ Yep, that about sums it up.

Wolfgrrrl ~ I have never understood people who ignored such warnings and have always thought them dolts. Now, I consider them dangerous as well.

Nancy ~ I'll be sure to pass along your words. They'll make him blush (and he's just so damn cute when he blushes!) And I emailed you about "deathly" but yes, it is a word.

Dagoth said...

Hi Pobble

Way to go Lithus, this planet needs more people like you...

I believe stupid people like the rancher should be allowed not to evacuate because it helps improve the gene pool, but they should not be allowed to make that decision for creatures that are supposed to be under their care and protection. I'm sorry but I have no pity and nothing but contempt for people like that...

BostonPobble said...

Dagoth ~ ooo! Lovely idea! I'm all for weeding out the gene pool! And I'll pass along your cheers.

Anonymous said...

And thank god or whatever for the people willing to do the risking...

Jaded said...

Thank God everyone's ok. And what a blessing, not only to have such a wonderful person doing that job, but to have that person to be in your life. I mean, it's nice just knowing those people exist...but have him as your significant other? That's awesome!!

BostonPobble said...

Traci ~ I was grateful before I had a face to go with the news reports. Now, even moreso!

Jaded ~ Yeah. I'm very proud of him.

Hermes said...

I remember saying no one could live up to comic hero potential. I stand corrected. Get that man a cape.