
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Folgers Coffee

I actually have three grandmothers. Polly, who you have heard about as Pauline. Mamoo, my paternal grandmother and wonderful woman. And Mama Bear, who, while technically my step-grandmother, married my grandfather long before I was born and was completely a grandmother to me, even if we didn't share a bloodline.

Mama Bear's first husband, John, died the same day Polly did. She and my grandfather, Daddy Ralph, had a mutual friend who, after a while, began pestering them to meet. Mama Bear finally agreed so long as the big city lawyer was willing to come out to the ranch. Which he was.

They spent a weekend together and, at the end of it, my grandfather proposed. In his romantic way, he said something along the lines of: When I go to the store, I go straight for the Folgers coffee. It's what I like and I know what I like. I spent 25 years living with quality so I know it when I see it. You're quality and I want to spend the next 25 years with you.

Smart man, my grandfather.

Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.


dondon009 said...

.......and do they serve Folgers coffee in Virginia?

kimber said...

While I'm not a fan of Folgers, I love that proposal!

nRT said...

nice words of wisdom from your grandfather.

Jaded said...

I met Mr. Jaded online on February 3, 1995. We were engaged in March. We got married in December, 10 months from the time we first spoke. Our 11th anniversary is on 12/9. You just know. And now you know that. Cool, isn't it?

I like Folgers, too.

ZooooM said...

What a great story!!

When Mr. Zoom and I were researching wedding vows, and had I heard this story at that time, I would have totally incorporated something like this into them. We were looking for unique and not overly mushy ways of saying what we wanted to say.

Rose said...

That was a great proposal, very unique and so sweet....