...and this:
...and this:
...and this:
So...what are your plans for New Year's?
Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.
I am a New Englander, a Southerner, my own woman, Rex's daughter, a quivering mass of contradictions. Nothing here means any more or less than you want it to mean. This and a buck fifty will get you coffee. But it's me. And I really like that.
The axolotl (aːʃoːloːtɬ), Ambystoma mexicanum, is the best-known of the Mexican neotenic mole salamanders belonging to the Tiger Salamander complex. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. The species originates from the lake underlying Mexico City and are also called ajolote (which is also the common name for Mexican Mole Lizards).[citation needed] Axolotls are used extensively in scientific research due to their ability to regenerate most body parts, ease of breeding, and large embryos. They are commonly kept as pets in the United States, Great Britain (under the spelling axlotl), Australia, Japan (sold under the name wooper rooper Ūpā Rūpā) and other countries.
Axolotls should not be confused with waterdogs, the larval stage of the closely related Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum and Ambystoma mavortium), which is widespread in much of North America which also occasionally become neotenic, nor with mudpuppies (Necturus spp.), fully-aquatic salamanders which are unrelated to the axolotl but which bear a superficial resemblance. (source, wikipedia)
More whites apply positive attributes to blacks than negative ones, and blacks are even more generous in their descriptions of whites. Racial prejudice is lower among college-educated whites living outside the South. And many whites who think most blacks are somewhat lazy, violent or boastful are willing or even eager to vote for Obama over Republican John McCain, who is white.
The poll, however, shows that blacks and whites see racial discrimination in starkly different terms. When asked "how much discrimination against blacks" exists, 10 percent of whites said "a lot" and 45 percent said "some."
Among blacks, 57 percent said "a lot" and all but a fraction of the rest said "some."
Asked how much of America's existing racial tension is created by blacks, more than one-third of white respondents said "most" or "all," and 9 percent said "not much." Only 3 percent of blacks said "most" or "all," while half said "not much at all."
Nearly three-fourths of blacks said white people have too much influence in American politics. Only 12 percent of whites agreed. Almost three times as many blacks as whites said blacks have too little influence.
Far more blacks than whites say government officials "usually pay less attention to a request or complaint from a black person than a white person."
One in five whites have felt admiration for blacks "very" or "extremely" often. Seventy percent of blacks have felt the same about whites. ...
By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer
(Click on the picture and you get a graph of the poll results ~ and large enough to read it, even!)
Here's what I wish white America would come to grips with: We Don't Get To Say How Much Racism Blacks in America Experience. We are not the ones who get to say when racism has ended. If black people are still feeling this disadvantaged then guess what? Racism is still with us. To an extreme. It really, really sucks to admit this but it means we haven't yet leveled the playing field. We haven't eradicated racism, bigotry and prejudice. We haven't even come close. Not with this kind of a gap. Black America knows the black American experience. White America doesn't. So suck it up, people. It's not fair yet. Pointing to how far we've come and specific examples of where a black person has risen over a white person doesn't change the fact that systemically society is still slanted hugely in favor of whites. We can want those things to mean it. We can debate and argue and disagree. Fact is, when the vast majority of black people still feel this disadvantaged, we haven't fixed a damn thing.
Those are Pobble Thoughts. That and a buck fifty will get you coffee.